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Showing posts from August, 2019

Merits build the Bridge towards Heaven, according to the Vanaropa Sutta (SN 1.47)

I am not good at making right decisions. How can I be a good decision maker?

For the  best outcomes  and to  minimize negative consequences ,  every decision you make should line up  with  intelligence , wisdom and common sense. 

Analogy between the Dhamma and a Chariot that leads to Nibbāna

The Concept of Food in the Buddhist Teachings, according to the Anna Sutta (SN 1.43)

The Five Aggregates, Noble Eightfold Path, Karma & Rebirth

The Benefits of Different Kinds of Giving (Dāna) in this Modern Age

なぜ、人のあいだに「差」があるのか?『業(カルマ)と心の向上―小業分別経 Why are there discriminations among people? : Cūlakammavibhaṅga Sutta 』チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老

なぜ、人のあいだに「差」があるのか?『業(カルマ)と心の向上―小業分別経 Why are there discriminations among people? : Cūlakammavibhaṅga Sutta 』チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老 by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima.