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Showing posts from August, 2023

Dead Beings , Living Beings and Between | A Buddhist Perspective (Bhante Chandima) @Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (August 16, 2023)


15 Skillful Habits and the Unlimited Practice of Metta (Karaṇīya Metta Sutta, Snp. 1.8)| Bhante Dr. G. Chandima @Buddhist Gem Fellowship, PJ, Malaysia (August 31, 2023)

  15 Skillful Habits Sakko (talented/capability) Ujū (straight) Sūjū (more straight) Sūvaco (being open to good advice/well-spoken) Mudu (soft-hearted) Anatimānī (humble) Santussako (content) Subharo (easily supportable) Appakicco (create time for the necessary) Sallahukavutti (simple life) Santindriyo (calmed senses)  Nipako (rise to an occasion)  Appagabbho (non-aggresive) Kulesu ananugiddho (not seizing to individuals of groups of people) Na ca khuddamācare kiñci,Yena viññū pare upavadeyyuṁ (not get blamed by wise people) Unlimited Practice of Metta 1. Strength and Size | Verse 4  Ye keci pāṇa bhūtatthi tasā vā thāvarā vā anavasesā Dīghā vā ye mahantā vā majjhamā rassakāṇukathūlā Ye keci pāṇabhūtatthi, Whatever living creatures there are Tasā vā thāvarā vanavasesā; with not a one left out—frail or firm Dīghā vā ye va mahantā,  long or large,  Majjhimā rassakā aṇukathūlā. medium, small, tiny or round, 2. Other Manifestations (visibility, distance, R...

(OPRC) Lesson 14 (August 31, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 7-8 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

Mini Retreat - Guided Metta Meditation by Bhante Dr. G. Chandima (August 25, 2023) @PBA Kuantan


How Do You Respond To Mara's 10 Armies? | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima (August 24, 2023) @PBA Kuantan


9 (Day) Notes | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

ā+jīva - Five  types of business  in which a layperson should not engage. (AN 5.177) Pañcimā bhikkhave, vaṇijjā upāsakena akaraṇīyā. Katamā pañca: Satthavaṇijjā, sattavaṇijjā, maṃsavaṇijjā, majjavaṇijjā, visavaṇijjā. Imā kho bhikkhave, pañca vaṇijjā upāsakena akaraṇīyāti. "Monks, a lay follower should not engage in five types of business. Which five? Business in weapons, business in human beings, business in meat, business in intoxicants, and business in poison. "These are the five types of business that a lay follower should not engage in." - What are the most significant lessons the Buddha taught about money? * six channels for dissipating wealth *   four types of happiness for a "householder partaking of sensuality" (gihinā kāma-bhoginā) -What is samm ā ājīva ? Katamo ca, bhikkhave, micchāājīvo? Kuhanā, lapanā, nemittikatā, nippesikatā, lābhena lābhaṁ nijigīsanatā —. (MN 117) “And what, bhikkhus, is wrong living? “And what, bhikkhus, is wrong living? Schemi...

10 Armies of Mara | Buddhist Gem Fellowship (Bhante Dr. G. Chandima) November 11, 2024

  1. Sensual pleasures ( kāmā ) 2. Discontent ( arati ) 3. Hunger and thirst ( khuppipāsā ) 4. Craving ( taṇhā ) 5. Sloth and torpor ( thinamiddha ) 6. Fear ( bhīrū ) 7. Doubt ( vicikicchā ) 8. Conceit and ingratitude ( makkho thambho ) 9. Gain, renown, and honor, falsely received fame ( lābho siloko sakkāro,micchāladdho ca yo yaso)     10. Self-exaltation and disparaging others  ( yo cattānaṁ samukkaṁse,pare ca avajānati ) Padhāna Sutta  (Sutta Nipata 3.2)

(OPRC) Lesson 13 (August 24, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 5-6 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima


BMV Mindfulness Retreat| Morning Session | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima (August 13, 2023)


8 (Day) Notes | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

A life lived skillfully "Having thus gone forth, following the training & way of life of the monks, abandoning the taking of life, he abstains from the taking of life. He dwells with his rod laid down, his knife laid down, scrupulous, kind, compassionate for the welfare of all living beings. Abandoning the taking of what is not given, he abstains from taking what is not given. He takes only what is given, accepts only what is given, lives not by stealth but by means of a self that has become pure. Abandoning uncelibacy, he lives a celibate life, aloof, refraining from the sexual act that is the villager's way." — AN X 99 A layperson's skillfulness "And how is one made pure in three ways by bodily action? There is the case where a certain person, abandoning the taking of life, abstains from the taking of life. He dwells with his rod laid down, his knife laid down, scrupulous, merciful, compassionate for the welfare of all living beings. Abandoning the taking ...

Notes on Abstaining from Intoxication (developing)

Why is it that breaching the fifth precept is the most dangerous? -Six Drawbacks of Drinking There are these six drawbacks of habitually drinking alcohol. Immediate loss of wealth, promotion of quarrels, susceptibility to illness, disrepute, indecent exposure; and weakened wisdom is the sixth thing. These are the six drawbacks of habitually drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a chemical produced by fermentation, which suppresses the central nervous system and causes intoxication when ingested. 1. Understanding the wording Surā ( fermented intoxicant liquor made with powdery substances) - brewed from rice or flour  Fermentation involves the conversion of sugar into alcohol through the digestive process of certain yeasts. Fermentation cannot produce a higher alcohol content than can be tolerated by the yeasts.  However higher alcohol content can be produced by heating the mixture and then condensing the resultant vapors, a process called distilling. Meraya (distilled intoxicant spirit...

(OPRC) Lesson 12 (August 17, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 3-4 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

(Video Recording) Does Mindfulness Make Me More Selfish ? | Bhante Dr Gangodawila Chandima @Buddhist Gem Fellowship, PJ, Malaysia (August 06, 2023)


7 (Day) Notes | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Most people ask why vācā is important. It is because we only connect with other people through speech and not just with a mind. So our connection with others is mainly due to communication with words. Therefore, learning the good side of  vācā  ( sammā vācā ) is very important not only to attain Nibbana but also to be a very good person in this life. People who manage their speech are highly admired. - vacī saṅkhāra ( vitakka , vic āra ) Cūḷavedalla Sutta (MN 44) Vitakka is the cetasika (mental factor) that points the mind to a given thought object.  Vic āra is the cetasika that keeps the mind engaged on that thought object (generating new thoughts about it). eg- A bee flying to a particular flower is like vitakka and then buzzing around that flower while drinking nectar is like  vic āra. - Vitakka , and  vicāra are unwholesome states.  But, avitakka , a vic āra  (or savitakka ( nekkhamma ), sa vic āra ) are wholesome states. - Mental chatt...

SD6@BMV | Right Intention (Sammā Saṅkappa) : Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (SN 56.11) | Bhante Dr. G.Chandima


Text Line-up | Beyond Satipatthana – Navigating and Walking on the Noble Eight Fold Path

Request for Eight Precepts  Ok āsa  Ahaṁ bhante, tisaraṇena saddhi ṁ , aṭṭhaṅga-samannāgataṁ sīlaṁ, dhammaṁ yācāmi, anuggahaṁ katvā sīlaṁ detha, me bhante.  Venerable sir, I would like to request the eight precepts with refuge in the Triple Gem. Please kindly grant me the request.  Dutiy ṁpi  Ok āsa  Ahaṁ bhante, tisaraṇena saddhi ṁ , aṭṭhaṅga-samannāgataṁ sīlaṁ, dhammaṁ yācāmi, anuggahaṁ katvā sīlaṁ detha, me bhante.  Venerable sir, for the second time,  I would like to request the eight precepts with refuge in the Triple Gem. Please kindly grant me the request.  Tatiya ṁpi  Ok āsa  Ahaṁ bhante, tisaraṇena saddhi ṁ , aṭṭhaṅga-samannāgataṁ sīlaṁ, dhammaṁ yācāmi, anuggahaṁ katvā sīlaṁ detha, me bhante.  Venerable sir, for the third time,  I would like to request the eight precepts with refuge in the Triple Gem. Please kindly grant me the request.  Homage to the Buddha  Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhasa...

(OPRC) Lesson 11 (August 10, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 1-2 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

Abstain from Lying (Fourth Precept) @BMV | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima (August 6, 2023)


6 (Day) Notes | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  “ saṅkappa ” is an intermediary between views ( diṭṭhi ) and speech ( vācā ) kappa - anything made with a definite object in view, prepared, or arranged. What is simply a good thought/intention? (If your thought/intention simply reflects reality as it is, without judgments or ideas getting in the way) Thinking patterns, habits, attitudes? Right Intention ( Samm ā  Saṅkappa ) ? Samm ā  saṅkappa  follows directly from the right view because our thoughts/intentions arise from our perception of reality. If you see reality as it is, you will have no problems. But if you see reality through a haze of assumptions and unconscious judgments and concepts, it will lead to some pretty twisted thinking. So  samm ā  saṅkappa  is about looking into your thoughts and intentions to see if they align with reality – or not. Wrong intentions ( m icch ā  saṅkappa )    arise out of delusion ( moha ) 1. Introduction Samm ā  Saṅkappa is the second ...