(OPRC) Lesson 10 (August 3, 2023) | Maṅgala Sutta (Blessings) 12-14 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

(OPRC) Lesson 10 (August 3, 2023) | Maṅgala Sutta (Blessings) 12-14 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

Khuddakapāṭha 5

(Minor Texts)

Maṅgala Sutta

12. Tapo ca brahmacariyañca
Self-restraint and holy life,

ariyasaccāna dassanaṁ;
All the Noble Truths in-seeing,

Nibbānasacchikiriyā ca,

Realization of Nibbana:

Etaṁ maṅgalamuttamaṁ
this is a supreme blessing.

13.Phuṭṭhassa lokadhammehi,
Though touched by worldly circumstances,

cittaṁ yassa na kampati;
Never his mind is wavering,

Asokaṁ virajaṁ khemaṁ,

Sorrowless, stainless and secure:

Etaṁ maṅgalamuttamaṁ
this is a supreme blessing.

14.Etādisāni katvāna,
Since by acting in this way,

Sabbattha maparājitā;
They are everywhere unvanquished,

Sabbattha sotthiṁ gacchanti,
And everywhere they go in safety:

Taṁ tesaṁ maṅgalamuttaman”ti.
Theirs, the Supreme Blessings.
