(OPRC) Lesson 16 (September 14, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 11-12 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

(OPRC) Lesson 16 (September 14, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 11-12 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

Khuddakapāṭha 6
(Minor Texts)

Ratana Sutta

11.  Kiñcāpi so kamma karoti pāpakaṁ,
He is incapable of hiding whatever akusala he/she does,

Kāyena vācā uda cetasā vā;   
Whether by deed, word or thought

Abhabbo so tassa paṭicchadāya,
For it has been said that such an act is

Abhabbatā diṭṭhapadassa vuttā;
impossible for one who has seen the Path

Idampi saṅghe ratanaṁ paṇītaṁ;
This sublime gem is in the saṅgha:

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
by this truth, may you be well!

12.  Vanappagumbe yathā phussitagge,
Just like a forest crown in full blossom

Gimhānamāse paṭhamasmiṁ gimhe; 
so in the first month of the summer season

Tathūpamaṁ dhammavaraṁ adesayi,   
so has the sublime doctrine 

Nibbānagāmiṁ paramaṁ hitāya;
that leads to Nibbana been taught for the highest good (of beings)

Idampi buddhe ratanaṁ paṇītaṁ,
This sublime gem is in the Buddha:

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
by this truth, may you be well!
