(OPRC) Lesson 17 (September 21, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 13-17 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

(OPRC) Lesson 17 (September 21, 2023) | Ratana Sutta (Gems) 13-17 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima


13. Varo varaññū varado varāharo,
The excellent one, the Knower, the Giver, and the Bringer of the Excellent. 

Anuttaro dhammavaraṁ adesayi;
The peerless Excellent One has expounded the sublime doctrine.

Idampi buddhe ratanaṁ paṇītaṁ,
This sublime gem is in the Buddha:

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
by this truth, may you be well!

14. Khīṇaṁ purāṇaṁ navam natthi sambhavaṁ,
Their past is extinct, a new becoming there is not,

Viratta cittā āyatike bhavasmiṁ;
their minds are not attached to future birth,

Te khīṇabījā avirūḷhicchandā,
their desires do not grow; those wise ones with their seeds of becoming destroyed,

Nibbanti dhīrā yathā'yaṁ padīpo;
go out even as this lamp does.

Idampi saṅghe ratanaṁ paṇītaṁ,
This sublime gem is in the saṅgha:

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu.
by this truth, may you be well!

[Sakka’s exultation:]

15. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni,
Whatever beings have gathered here,

Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe;
on the ground or in the sky,

Tathāgataṁ devamanussa-pūjitaṁ,
who is honoured by gods and men.

Buddhaṁ namassāma suvatthi hotu.
salute the Accomplished Buddha, may you be well!

16. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni,
Whatever beings have gathered here,

Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe;
on the ground or in the sky,

Tathāgataṁ devamanussa-pūjitaṁ,
which is honoured by gods and men.

Dhammaṁ namassāma suvatthi hotu.
salute the Enlightening Dhamma, may you be well!

17. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni,
Whatever beings have gathered here,

Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe;
on the ground or in the sky,

Tathāgataṁ devamanussa-pūjitaṁ,
who are honoured by gods and men.

Saṅghaṁ namassāma suvatthi hotu.
salute the Noble Saṅgha,  may you be well!
