How to Stop Being Hard On Dhamma Journey | A Talk given for BMSM by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (January 02, 2024) Skip to main content

How to Stop Being Hard On Dhamma Journey | A Talk given for BMSM by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (January 02, 2024)

*What actually is a Dhamma journey? 

* Should I adhere to the rituals and doctrines of specific Buddhist schools, or should I concentrate solely on early Buddhism, the foundation of school Buddhism?

*Are there any essential components that comprise my Dhamma practice, or can one develop their own approach to practicing the Dhamma?

-I prefer listening to dhamma to chanting. I prefer meditating to listening to Dhamma. What should be the correct manner or blueprint for all Dhamma practitioners to follow in this regard?

* What is the required level of Right Effort?? Is Right Effort an effortless effort? Too much care for the dhamma practice causes laziness. 

* Which dhamma journey is the most smooth and balanced?

“ye kho keci bhagavato sāvakā āraddhavīriyā viharanti, ahaṁ tesaṁ aññataro. Atha ca pana me na anupādāya āsavehi cittaṁ vimuccati, saṁvijjanti kho pana me kule bhogā sakkā bhogā ca bhuñjituṁ puññāni ca kātuṁ. Yannūnāhaṁ sikkhaṁ paccakkhāya hīnāyāvattitvā bhoge ca bhuñjeyyaṁ puññāni ca kareyyan”ti.

I am one of the Buddha’s most energetic disciples. Yet my mind is not freed from defilements by not grasping. But my family has wealth. I could enjoy that wealth and make merit. Why don’t I resign the training and return to a lesser life, so I can enjoy my wealth and make merit?”

“Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, soṇa, kusalo tvaṁ pubbe agāriyabhūto vīṇāya tantissare”ti? “Now what do you think, Sona. Before, when you were a house-dweller, were you skilled at playing the vina?”

“Evaṁ, bhante”.“Yes, Venerable Sir.”

“Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, soṇa, yadā te vīṇāya tantiyo accāyatā honti, api nu te vīṇā tasmiṁ samaye saravatī vā hoti kammaññā vā”ti?And what do you think: when the strings of your vina were too tight, was your vina in tune & playable?”

“No hetaṁ, bhante”.“No, 
Venerable Sir.”

“Taṁ kiṁ maññasi, soṇa, yadā te vīṇāya tantiyo atisithilā honti, api nu te vīṇā tasmiṁ samaye saravatī vā hoti kammaññā vā”ti?“And what do you think: when the strings of your vina were too loose, was your vina in tune & playable?”

“No hetaṁ, bhante”.“No, Venerable Sir.”

“Yadā pana te, soṇa, vīṇāya tantiyo na accāyatā honti nātisithilā same guṇe patiṭṭhitā, api nu te vīṇā tasmiṁ samaye saravatī vā hoti kammaññā vā”ti?“And what do you think: when the strings of your vina were neither too tight nor too loose, but tuned to be right on pitch, was your vina in tune & playable?”

“Evaṁ, bhante”.“Yes, 
Venerable Sir.”

“Evamevaṁ kho, soṇa, accāraddhavīriyaṁ uddhaccāya saṁvattati, atisithilavīriyaṁ kosajjāya saṁvattati. Tasmātiha tvaṁ, soṇa, vīriyasamathaṁ adhiṭṭhaha, indriyānañca samataṁ paṭivijjha, tattha ca nimittaṁ gaṇhāhī”ti. “In the same way, Soṇa, when energy is too forceful it leads to restlessness. When energy is too slack it leads to laziness. So, Soṇa, you should apply yourself to energy and serenity, find a balance of the faculties, and learn the pattern of this situation.”

Dhammapada Verses 19 and 20

Bahumpi ce samhita bhasamano
na takkaro hoti naro pamatto
gopova gavo ganayam paresam
na bhagava samannassa hoti.

Verse 19: Though he/she recites much the Dhamma, but is negligent and does not practice according to the Dhamma, like a cowherd who counts the cattle of others, he has no share in the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).

Appampi ce samhita bhasamano
dhammassa hoti anudhammacari
raganca dosanca pahaya moham
sammappajano suvimuttacitto
anupadiyano idha va haram va
sa bhagava samannassa hoti.

Verse 20: Though he recites only a little of the Dhamma , but practices according to the Dhamma, eradicating passion, ill will and ignorance, clearly comprehending the Dhamma, with his mind freed from moral defilements and no longer clinging to this world or to the next, he shares the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).

Why is your Dhamma journey becoming stuck?  

1. Neglecting the fact that the dhamma practice is a synthesis of numerous virtues (for a simple dhamma practice, one must perform four brahama viharas; in general, for saddhā and paññāa to succeed on the dhamma path, they must coexist). 

- The perfect balance of saddhā and paññā is essential for a continuous smooth dhamma journey.

- The dhamma journey is not an overnight journey.

- some misleading  crash courses on spiritual attainments

2. Disregarding the foundational teachings of early Buddhism and instead relying on Pali commentaries and Abhidhamma for instruction.

- Adopt incorrect dhamma teachings concerning the practice's fundamentals. 

eg-  Meditation is a wonderful example. The original teachings of Buddha only mention Right Mindfulness, not samatha and vipassana. 

3. Lack of understanding of the dhamma contexts in Pali

- The main challenge is the inability to read and comprehend the teaching source accurately.

- Poor English and other language translations of Pali texts (dukkha, upakkilesa, samma, and so on)

4. Not being able to find a suitable teacher

-The right teacher must be fluent in both early Buddhist texts and practice.

-He or she should not form his or her own opinion about the early Buddhist texts.

5. Being unable to surround yourself with Kalyāṇa-mittas

An additional reason the spiritual path is so difficult is that we try to follow it alone. Conversely, there may be a lack of awareness regarding the process of finding the right people to offer our support.

Lack of inspiration for practice, but only learning dhamma without practicing
