(OPRC) Lesson 32 (January 11, 2024) | Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness) 1 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

(OPRC) Lesson 32 (January 11, 2024) | Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness) 1 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima


Khuddakapāṭha 9
(Minor Texts)

Metta Sutta
(Unlimited Friendliness)

1. Karaṇīyamatthakusalena,
What should be done by one who is skilled in wholesomeness,

 santaṁ padaṁ abhisamecca;
to gain the State of Peacefulness is this:

Sakko ujū ca s
ūjū ca,
One should be able, upright, and straight

Suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī.
easy to speak to, gentle, and humble;
