(OPRC) Lesson 31 (January 04, 2024) | Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve Fund) 15-16 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

(OPRC) Lesson 31 (January 04, 2024) | Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve Fund) 15-16 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima


15. Paṭisambhidā vimokkhā ca,
Analytical knowledge, the liberations,

yā ca sāvakapāramī;
the perfections of the disciple,

Paccekabodhi buddhabhūmi,
the plane of an independent Buddha:

sabbametena labbhati.
through this they have it all.

16. Evaṁ mahatthikā esā,
is so very beneficial.

yadidaṁ puññasampadā;
This accomplishment in merit

Tasmā dhīrā pasaṁsanti,
That is why the wise and the 

paṇḍitā katapuññatanti.
(astute) praise the making of merit.
