39 (Day) Notes | Pattakamma Sutta (AN 4.61) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

39 (Day) Notes | Pattakamma Sutta (AN 4.61) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima



p- higher

ñā- knowing

1. What is Paññā?

2. What are the types of Paññā?

-Paññā as the goal of the Noble Eightfold Path (Wisdom swells out of the right concentration)

-Paññā as a part of three trainings (Sīla, Sam
ādhi and Paññā)

-Paññā as a part of three types of acquiring (given in the Saṅgīti Sutta (DN 33)
  • learned paññā (suta-maya-paññā) wisdom earned from reading books or listening to others.
  • reflective paññā (cintā-maya-paññā) Wisdom that comes from thought, logic, and reasoning.
  • paññā from spiritual development (bhāvanā-maya-paññā) wisdom gained from direct spiritual experience.
3. What is Paññā for lay people according to the Pattakamma Sutta?

4. Why don't many dhamma speakers distinguish between lay people's and monastics' Paññā?

5. Why is Paññā essential according to the Pattakamma Sutta?
