46 (Day) Notes | Paṭhamasamajīvī Sutta (AN 4.55) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima
The most significant takeaway from this sutta section is that you should never cheat, even with your thoughts. Nakulamātā and Nakulapitā could stick to them without cheating, even in their thoughts.
2. Why does the Buddha say that not cheating is a sign of a steady practice of the dhamma?
3. In what part of the akusala does cheating fit in?
4. The world we live in now has changed the ways people cheat (conditions and ways of cheating). In this day and age, how can someone stay honest without cheating?
5 What is the response to someone who believes that cheating is acceptable in today's world, despite these teachings about the necessity of not cheating?
6. Can a couple be reunited in the next life if they don't cheat?
7. What are the four qualities that both people in the relationship need to work on?
8. Why do the four qualities have to be comparable between the partners? In a world full of self-centeredness, how does equality in qualities work?
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