49 (Day) Notes | Āḷavaka Sutta (SN 10.12) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima
1. What is the role and significance of wealth in Buddhism, both from a secular and a spiritual perspective?
2. Why is trust considered the highest form of wealth in Buddhist teachings?
3. What are the key principles in Buddhism for attaining true happiness?
4. Why do many people have such specific or demanding expectations about happiness?
5. How does the Buddha approach the concept of happiness in his teachings?
6. In what way is Dhamma described as the "best taste" in Buddhist teachings? Does the Buddha metaphorically refer to Dhamma as food or drink?
7. What practices or guidelines does Buddhism suggest for living a more fulfilling and meaningful life?
8. Does Buddhism view life as a rehearsal or preparation for something greater?
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