50 (Day) Notes | Āḷavaka Sutta (SN 10.12) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

50 (Day) Notes | Āḷavaka Sutta (SN 10.12) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima


1. What is the flood (ogha) in Buddhist teachings?

2. Why can Trust (saddhā) help someone cross the flood?

3. What ocean is meant by the Yakkha in the Āḷavaka Sutta?

4. How can someone cross the ocean of saṃsāra using diligence?

5. What is dukkha?

6. How to overcome dukkha?

7. Why does the right effort and kusala energy help someone go past dukkha?

8. How does someone purify from wisdom?

9. Are there differences in different types of wisdom?

10. Why is purification related to wisdom?
