(OPRC) Lesson 61 (October 10, 2024) | Dhammapada 33-34 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

(OPRC) Lesson 61 (October 10, 2024) | Dhammapada 33-34 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima


Dhammapda 33-34
(Sayings of the Dhamma)


33. Phandanaṁ capalaṁ cittaṁ,
The restless, agitated thought,

dūrakkhaṁ dunni vārayaṁ;
Hard to protect, hard to prevent,

Ujuṁ karoti medhāvī,
The sage makes straight,

usukāro'va tejanaṁ.
As a fletcher the shaft of an arrow

34. Vārijo'va thale khitto,
Like a fish out of water,

okamokata ubbhato;
Thrown on dry ground,

Pariphandati'daṁ cittaṁ,
This thought agitates,

māradheyyaṁ pahātave.
Trying to escape Mara's command (Hence should one abandon the realm of Mara).

Story: Meghiya bhikkhu
