(OPRC) Lesson 62 (October 17, 2024) | Dhammapada 35 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima Skip to main content

(OPRC) Lesson 62 (October 17, 2024) | Dhammapada 35 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima


Dhammapda 35
(Sayings of the Dhamma)


35. Dunniggahassa lahuno,
The thoughts, hard to manage,

Yattha kāmanipātino;
Flighty- alighting where it wishes-

Cittassa damatho sādhu,
One does well to tame.

Cittaṁ dantaṁ sukhāvahaṁ.
Disciplined thought brings happiness.

Story: Aññatara bhikkhu vatthu
