Is Seeking Sensual Pleasure Un-Buddhist? by Bhante Dr. G. Chandima for D'Cradle (October 09, 2024) Skip to main content

Is Seeking Sensual Pleasure Un-Buddhist? by Bhante Dr. G. Chandima for D'Cradle (October 09, 2024)


The Pali word for sensual pleasure is "kāma," while the term for lust is "kāmarāga."

There are two forms of kāma.

1. Vatthu kāma (Sensual pleasure as an object): The actual objects of sensual pleasure themselves, such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch and thoughts. Vatthu Kama focuses on the sensory experiences available in the world. While these objects are not inherently defiled, greed to them can lead to Kilesa Kāma if one becomes greedy.

2. Kilesa kāma (Sensual pleasure as a defilement): This refers to the greed for sensual pleasures that lead to mental defilements. 

Being able to enjoy sensual pleasures is indeed a blessing

 However, due to certain akusala kamma, the mind may not naturally incline toward the enjoyment of fine food, clothing, vehicles, or the five refined forms of sensual stimulation (na uḷāresu pañcasu kāmaguṇesu bhogāya cittaṁ namati), as mentioned in AN 9.20 of the Velāma Sutta.

1. Understanding Sensual Pleasure: How does Buddhism define sensual pleasure, and what role does it play in the broader context of human experience?

In Buddhism, sensual pleasure is often understood as the enjoyment derived from the six senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell and tought. It encompasses everything from physical sensations to emotional experiences.

2. Greed: In Buddhism, greed to sensual pleasures is often viewed as a source of suffering. How can one enjoy sensual experiences without becoming overly greedy?

-The final goal of Metta practice | Verse 10 (Metta Sutta)

Diṭṭhiñca anupagamma sīlavā dassanena sampanno
Kāmesu vineyya gedhaṃ nahi jātu gabbhaseyyaṃ punaretīti.

Not erroneous with views,
endowed with virtues and insight,
with greed with regard to sensual desires abandoned,
he/she would come no more to be conceived in a womb.

3. Mindfulness and Sensuality: How can mindfulness practices enhance the experience of sensual pleasure while maintaining a balanced perspective?

-Heightened Awareness
- Less Greed
-Enhanced Enjoyment
-Emotional Regulation
-Balance and Moderation
- Insight into Impermanence
-Cultivating Gratitude

By integrating mindfulness into the enjoyment of sensual pleasure, individuals can foster a healthier relationship with their experiences, balancing enjoyment with awareness and insight.

4. The Middle Way: Can you explain how the concept of the Middle Way applies to the pursuit of sensual pleasure?

-Avoiding Extremes
-Mindful Engagement
-Recognizing Impermanence
-Integrating Pleasure into Practice: Rather than viewing sensual pleasure and spiritual practice as opposing forces, the Middle Way encourages integrating them. This can involve appreciating sensual pleasures as part of a holistic approach to life, where pleasure enhances rather than detracts from spiritual growth.

5. Ethics and Responsibility: What ethical considerations should one keep in mind when engaging in sensual pleasure, particularly in relationships with others?

-Respecting Boundaries
-Consideration of Long-Term Impact
-Compassion and Kindness

6. Transience (anicca) of Sensual Pleasure: How can the understanding of the impermanence of sensual pleasure impact one’s approach to enjoying it?

-Increased Appreciation: Recognizing that sensual pleasures are transient can lead to a deeper appreciation of each moment. When individuals understand that experiences are fleeting, they may savor them more fully, being present and engaged without distractions.

-Reduced Greed: Awareness of impermanence helps mitigate Greed to sensual pleasures. By acknowledging that these experiences will not last, individuals can enjoy them without the desire to cling to them or expect them to provide lasting happiness, reducing suffering when those pleasures fade.

-Mindfulness in Experience
-Less Fear of Loss (Emotional Resilience)
-Encouragement of Growth

7. Pleasure and Liberation: Is there a path within Buddhism that allows for the integration of sensual pleasure as a means to spiritual growth or liberation?

within Buddhism, there is a perspective that allows for the integration of sensual pleasure as a means to spiritual growth and liberation, particularly when approached mindfully and ethically. 

-Sensual Pleasure as a Teacher
-Compassionate Relationships

8. Balance in Life: What practices in Buddhism can help individuals maintain a healthy balance between enjoying sensual pleasures and pursuing spiritual development?

Maintaining a healthy balance between enjoying sensual pleasures and pursuing spiritual development is a key aspect of Buddhist practice. Here are some practices and philosophies that can help individuals achieve this balance:
