BHANTE'S NEW BOOK RELEASE! 『生き方を変えられるのは、いま ― いま最善を尽くし、心を清らかにする(大業分別経)』 チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, By Ven. Dr. Chandima Gangodawila, Released on May 18th 2019, Sukhi Hotu, Tokyo, Japan Dear Friends, My second book (in Japanese) entitled: "Karma is not linear according to the Buddha: Mahākammavibhaṅga Sutta MN 136 (Japanese Edition) " was just published on Amazon. Thank you 出村佳子 for incorporating one of my talks for this work. In the Theravāda Japanese Community, 出村佳子, is widely known as a prolific Theravāda Buddhist writer. ・Amazon May you be well and Happy! Bhante. Dr. Gangodawila Chandima
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