Paṭisota | From Mindful Insight to Heartfelt Wisdom Skip to main content


Interpersonal Relationships: Conflicts | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Patricia Kincaid

Overcoming Student Stress | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Hiumi Kumarasinghe

How To Deal With Your Asian Immigrant Parents | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Calvin Huang

First Precept| Not killing | Dhamma Q&A session (Day 01)


自己をまもるとは?|The Practice of Non-Identification and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima

自己をまもるとは?|The Practice of Non-Identification  and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima.| Paṭipadā , March 2021(日本テーラワーダ仏教協会, Tokyo, Japan)Pag e  40-44.

If you cannot do regular meditation, at least practice Sacred Pauses (Mini-Meditations)


Cultural Competency in Cancer Care | A Buddhist Perspective | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Saranee Fernando

How to practice Wise Attention (yoniso manasikāra)?


Monday Sutta Discussion Day 99 | Cultivating Awareness (sampajañña) and Caring (saṅgaha)

Banking to Buddhism | A Thai Buddhist Perspective | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Sermsook Patmastana


What is Resilience and Why is It Important to Bounce Back? | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Francesca Murray

Monday Sutta Discussion Day 98 | Nonjudgmental Judging


「コンパッション(慈悲)」法話会:Buddhism Class for Beginners by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (Japanese Speakers only)

  「コンパッション(慈悲)」法話会を オンラインzoomで開催いたします。 第1回は「自己愛と慈しみ:マッリカー経」です。 慈しみを段階的に育て、広げていく方法を、一緒に学んでみませんか? 法話は易しい英語で行なわれ、日本語通訳が入ります。 よろしければ、ぜひご参加ください。 ■ コンパッション(慈悲) 第1回 自己愛と慈しみ:マッリカー経 ■ 講師 チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老 (日本語通訳 出村佳子) ■ 日時  2021年2月11日(木曜日/祝日)  9:00〜10:00 ■ 申し込み 2月9日までに 下記 参加フォーム からお申込みください。2月10日までにミーティングIDとパスコードを、申し込み時のメールアドレスにお送りいたします。 読み込んでいます… ➡ 参加フォーム ■ 参加費:無料(ご喜捨) お布施されたい方は サポートページ へ。 ■ Zoomオンライン開催です。 本名とビデオON(お顔出し) でのご参加をお願いいたします。 みなさまのご参加をお待ちしております。 チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老 Bhante Gangodawila Chandima テーラワーダ仏教長老。 2008年、スリランカの国立スリジャヤワルダナプラ大学で、学士号(優等学位)を取得。最優秀賞を受賞。2015年、博士号を取得。 カナダに渡り、ブリティッシュコロンビア大学で4年間、仏教チャプレンを務め、さらにヴィクトリア大学で教鞭を執る。 現在、カナダのオタワ・テーラワーダ・ブッディストヴィハーラに在住。カナダを中心に、イギリス、アメリカ、マレーシア、タイ、スリランカの大学や寺院で、講義や法話をおこなっている。 著書に『幸せへの鍵:慈経(Metta Sutta)に学ぶ〈15の善習慣〉と〈10の善行為〉』『妄想の対処法―認識プロセスを観察し、妄想ループを断ち切る:蜜丸経』『新しい生き方を切り拓く7つの実践:小業分別経』『業(カルマ)は直線ではないー生き方を変えられるのは、いま:大業分別経』, 英語の著書や論文に “A Critical appraisal of the contribution of Germany and France to Sanskrit stu...

Monday Sutta Discussion Day 97 | The Benefits of Noble Silence and Solitude

  Dear Dhamma Friends, Please tune in today at 8:00pm (EST) to Paṭisota (Facebook Page) for a discussion on the   Kolita   Sutta     (SN 21.1) by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima. Sutta Abstract: Please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel for more Sutta Discussions and Talks. May you be well and happy! Paṭisota Team

Practicing in the Face of Cancer | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Ruwani Navaratne


Feeling Jealous of Same-field Friends is Normal, But Don't Let It Ruin Your Creativity. Focus -Learn more about your innate talents Instead.


Monday Sutta Discussion Day 96 | Overcome Insecurity (sārajjaṃ) and Regain your Self-Esteem (vesārajjaṃ)

Science and Spirituality: two sides of a coin | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Estrella V-Guadarrama

Why Self-Awareness is the First Step Toward Empathy | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Madhushani Ramaraju


自己をまもるとは?|Critiquing the connection between skillful bodily conduct (kāya) and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima.

自己をまもるとは?|Critiquing the connection between skillful bodily conduct ( kāya ) and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima.  Paṭipadā, February 2021, 日本テーラワーダ仏教協会, Tokyo, Japan, Pag e  39-41.

Buddhism and Money | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Prof. Chandima Wijebandara

Monday Sutta Discussion Day 95 | Stop Overthinking: Reframe your Thoughts with Healthy Habits


Self-Healing through Vipassanā Meditation | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and David Lu

How to Dissolve the Pain Body: Mental Conditioning and Spiritual Awakening | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Nadika Viswakula

How to Dissolve the Pain Body: Conditioning to Awakening


  CELEBRATE MY NEW BOOK RELEASE! 『身体の苦しみの手放しかた:ナンディウィサーラ経』 RELEASING THE REBIRTH BODY (YĀTRĀ): A GUIDE TO BUDDHIST SOTERIOLOGY (JAPANESE) Released on January 16th, 2021 Dear Friends, I’m excited to announce that my ninth Japanese book 『身体の苦しみの手放しかた:ナンディウィサーラ経』Releasing the Rebirth Body (yātrā): A Guide to Buddhist Soteriology,” (Japanese) was published on Amazon today, January 16th, 2021. An impeccable Japanese translation was provided by the esteemed author, Yoshiko. This book provides a lucid explanation of how to end saṃsāra by releasing the aimless process of rebirth body, which is also the main purpose of Buddhist teachings. We can only prevent the body from being reborn by properly ending the causal process of rebirth. The devout Hindus traditionally believe that what is traversed is an independent saṃsāric body. However, we do not agree with this explanation because it may imply that what is experienced in every life is an eternal entity and remains unchanged. Buddhism denie...

Deconstructing the Self with Mindfulness Meditation | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Sarah Quaile


Building A Better Buddhist Practice​: A Thai Buddhist Perspective | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Menada Juiboonmee


Ottawa High School Student Jenna Kincaid interviews Bhante Dr. Chandima

Ottawa High School Student Jenna Kincaid interviews Bhante Dr. Chandima

Dhamma is similar to a raft: it’s for crossing over, not for holding on.


Monday Sutta Discussion Day 94 | Skillful Creativity | Overcoming stagnation (ṭhiti) in wholesome qualities


Presentation Slides |The Four Applications of Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna)| Slow/Quick Cravers vs. Slow/Quick Theroizers (January 09, 2021)

The Four Applications of Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna) Slow/Quick Cravers vs. Slow/Quick Theroizers

The Four Applications of Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna) | Slow/Quick Cravers vs. Slow/Quick Theroizers


Lecture Notice- January 09, 2021| The Four Applications of Mindfulness (cattāro satipaṭṭhānā)


True Forgiveness is one of the highest acts of Generosity.


Monday Sutta Discussion Day 93 | Mistake (accaya), Confession (accaya desanā) and the Wisdom of Forgiveness (khamā)


Funeral Service for Mrs. Madduma Hewage Malhami | Grandma of Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (August 07, 2016) මද්දුම හේවගේ මල්හාමි උපාසිකා මාතාවගේ අවමංගල උත්සවය (ආචාර්‍ය ගංගොඩවිල චන්දිම ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේගේ ආත්තම්මා)


What are you looking forward to in 2021?


Why Aspirations Are Better than Resolutions: Aspirants vs. Losers | A Buddhist Perspective

Achievements energized by resentment and anger rarely add to peace and satisfaction.


Monday Sutta Discussion Day 92 | Deal and Heal Your Resentment (āghāta) : A Buddhist Perspective

Becoming Animal (tiracchāna): Karma and the Animal Realm (tiracchānayoni) in Theravada Buddhism

自己をまもるとは?|Evaluating the connection between skillful verbal conduct (vacī kusala) and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima.

自己をまもるとは?|Evaluating the connection between skillful verbal conduct ( vacī   kusala ) and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima.  Paṭipadā, January 2021, 日本テーラワーダ仏教協会, Tokyo, Japan, Pag e  49-52.

If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.


Physical and Mental Sanitation (New Normal after Covid-19) | Guest Speaker | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima

  May you be well and happy!

Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.


Silence the angry man with love. Silence the ill-natured man with kindness. Silence the miser with generosity. Silence the liar with truth.


There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind.


Give, even if you only have a little.


Monday Sutta Discussion Day 91 | Ten desirable things that are hard to get

To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.


No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.


Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except yourself.


There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires.


Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others.


Happy Birthday to our beloved teacher, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima ! (December 08)

Monday Sutta Discussion Day 90 | How a ghost (peta), a pleasure seeker (kāmabhogi), a lion (sīha), and a Buddha (tathāgata) go to sleep?


  CELEBRATE MY NEW BOOK RELEASE! SELF-COMPASSION: HOW TO TAME YOUR INNER CRITIC AND AMPLIFY YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH Released on December 5th, 2020 Dear Friends, I’m excited to announce that my latest book “SELF-COMPASSION: How to Tame Your Inner Critic and Amplify Your Spiritual Health” was published on today, December 5th, 2020. The fundamental teachings of philosophical Buddhism, both the Suttas and the Abhidhamma, are rich and indicative that people should look inward first before seeing outward. The practice of self-compassion signifies the beginning of this inner journey. Many people who seek material pursuits lack self-compassion and compassion for others. The material mentality can be competitive and promotes selfishness and the insight that the spiritual life can bring well-being is lost. Moreover, people who do not fully understand compassion for themselves and others naturally form violent and destructive views. When we practice self-compassion, it supports us to...

Kathina Robe Offering 2020 | Sponsored by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima's Family in Sri Lanka

  May you be well and happy! Video: Kathina Robe Offering 2020 | Sponsored by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima's Family in Sri Lanka Photos:  2020 Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony 2020 Kathina Procession 2020 Kathina Eve at Bhante Dr. Chandima’s House in Sri Lanka

Monday Sutta Discussion Day 89 | Redefining the Four Critical Activities for the foundation of Mindfulness (satipaṭṭhānā): Ātāpī, sampajāno, satimā and vineyya loke abhijjhādomanassaṃ

The Four Foremost Things

  May you be well and happy!

Monday Sutta Discussion Day 88 | Understanding foolish people (bāla) differently- A Guaranteed Stress Reliever


We just reached incredible 1000+ YouTube subscribers Dear YouTube subscribers, We just reached incredible 1000+ YouTube subscribers. This is why we would like to say a special thank you to all our YouTube subscribers. Your support is a daily incentive to living our Dhamma Path to provide you with true and authentic dhamma teachings. We will continue to engage in our mission to make a more inclusive dhamma environment with Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima's different valuable dhamma sharings. May you be well and happy! Paṭisota Team

The wise never wish success by unethical means

A person who would not wish for success by unethical means, not for the sake of oneself, not for the sake of others, not with hopes for children, wealth, or kingdom, is a person of virtue, insight, and truth. -Śākyamuni Buddha Source: Dhammapada 6.9 Photo Credit: Ảnh minh họa. (Nguồn internet)

自己をまもるとは?|Morality and Wellbeing: the exhilarating connection between skillful mental conduct (mano kusala) and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima

自己をまもるとは?|Morality and Wellbeing: the exhilarating connection between skillful mental conduct ( mano kusala ) and Self-Protection by チャンディマ・ガンゴダウィラ長老, Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima.  Paṭipadā, December 2020, 日本テーラワーダ仏教協会, Tokyo, Japan, Pag e  36-40.