What is Reflection? Reflection is the ability to recognize and evaluate the intentions, outcomes, and drawbacks of our actions, speech, and thoughts before, during and after each activity. Evameva kho, rāhula, paccavekkhitvā paccavekkhitvā kāyena kammaṁ kattabbaṁ, paccavekkhitvā paccavekkhitvā vācāya kammaṁ kattabbaṁ, paccavekkhitvā paccavekkhitvā manasā kammaṁ kattabbaṁ (Ambalaṭṭhikarāhulovādasutta MN 61) Rāhula, bodily (kāya) kamma should be done with reflection, verbal (vacī) kamma should be done with reflection, mental kamma (mano) should be done with reflection. Why is a lack of reflection an issue? It leads to an inability to recognize the true nature of the mental states associated with our actions, speech, and thoughts, a condition known as apaccavekkhaṇā (not discerning the inherent qualities of phenomena). Importance of Reflection ( Iṭṭhadhammasutta AN 10.73) Here are ten roadblocks to the ten likable, desirable, and rare qualities in the world: 1. Wealt...