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(OPRC) Lesson 36 (February 15, 2024) | Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness) 5 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Khuddakapāṭha 9 (Minor Texts) Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness ) 5. Diṭṭhā vā ye va addiṭṭhā, seen or unseen, Ye ca dūre vasanti avidūre; far or near, Bhūtā  vā  sambhavesī  vā , those who have been born and those about to be born Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā. may all beings in their hearts be happy!

Happy Dragon Year (Gong Xi Fa Cai 2024) with Shu Ta Naa

  Dear Dhamma Friends, Patisota is pleased to present Shu Ta Naa (Malacca, Malaysia), singing ""Happy 龙龙 way" for the Gong Xi Fa Cai 2024. Gong Xi Fa Cai's "Happy Way" is an innovative composition that combines English and Chinese lyrics. This composition introduces a fresh viewpoint on the harmony and significance of the Chinese New Year in a contemporary context. It further affirms that the Chinese New Year can be observed in a contemporary light and extends best wishes for the welfare of all.  The original singers are ASTRO artists, while the composer is Ang Chee Ciang. The singer of Patisota will be Shu Ta Naa. Shu also directed the music video for this track. Sis. Mallika Siew Peng Chua, our Music Event coordinator, will oversee the proceedings.  May you be well and happy! -Patisota Team

29 (Day) Notes | Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Unwise attention leads to not destroying. 1. What is Vinodanā ? 2. Why is Vinodanā ? 3. What are the analogies that can be drawn between Vinodanā and three intentions  saṅkappa ? (kāmavitakka, byāpādavitakkaṃ, vihiṃsāvitakkaṃ) 4. When physical avoidance is not enough, why engage in mental destruction? 5. What is uppannuppanne pāpake akusale dhamme ? 5. Let us identify the following verbs - nādhivāseti (not tolerated) - pajahati (abandon) - vinodeti (destroy) - byantīkaroti (dispel)  - anabhāvaṃ gameti (wipe out of existence)

The Future and Direction of Young Buddhist Monks| Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Most Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera

  Dear Dhamma Friends, Stay tuned for this intriguing discussion on February 2nd, in the evening. Bhante Dr. Chandima has invited Most Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera to sit down with him to discuss how to understand the  future and direction of young Buddhist monks. Learn from and benefit from this enlightening discussion. Bio of  Most Ven. B. Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera Born to the family of Mr. & Mrs. Mudiyanselage in the village of Bootawatta , Kandy, Sri Lanka on 28th October 1953. In 1965, he entered monastic life as a novice Buddhist monk at the age of 12 under the mentorship of Ven. Sumanjothi Maha Thera; and it was this “suited station” that nurtured his life to have an altruistic spiritual journey to heal the hearts of fellow humans out of compassion. Then, he underwent monastic education for the next 11 years until he is a fully ordained Bhikkhu, receiving the Higher Ordination at the age of 22 in 1976 at Malwatta Chapter in Kandy. He later obtained “Diploma

(OPRC) Lesson 35 (February 1, 2024) | Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness) 4 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Khuddakapāṭha 9 (Minor Texts) Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness ) 4. Ye keci pāṇa bhūtatthi, Whatever there may be with breath of life, Tasā vā thāvarā v ā a navasesā; whether they be frail or very strong, Dīghā vā ye mahantā  vā , without exception, be they long or large, Majjhimā rassakā aṇukathūlā. or medium, short, small, or thick,

28 (Day) Notes | Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

Unwise attention leads to Non-avoidance.  1. What is  Parivajja n ā ? 2. How to practice  Parivajja n ā   in terms of beings? 3. How to practice  Parivajja n ā  in terms of things? 4.How can we explain the contradiction between the teachings of sense restraint in Indriyabhavna Sutta (MN 152) and Sabbasava Sutta (MN 2)? “Deseti, bho gotama, pārāsiviyo brāhmaṇo sāvakānaṁ indriyabhāvanan”ti. “Yathā kathaṁ pana, uttara, deseti pārāsiviyo brāhmaṇo sāvakānaṁ indriyabhāvanan”ti? “Idha, bho gotama, cakkhunā rūpaṁ na passati, sotena saddaṁ na suṇāti—evaṁ kho, bho gotama, deseti pārāsiviyo brāhmaṇo sāvakānaṁ indriyabhāvanan”ti. The Buddha said to him, “Uttara, does Pārāsariya teach his disciples the development of the faculties?” “He does, Master Gotama.” “But how does he teach it?” “Master Gotama, it’s when the eye sees no sight and the ear hears no sound. That’s how Pārāsariya teaches his disciples the development of the faculties.” “Kathañcānanda, ariyassa vinaye anuttarā indriyabhāvanā hoti?

The Sixteen Mental Defilements (Cittass’upakkilesas) from the Vatthūpama Sutta (MN 7)

  Click here to learn 16 Upakkilesas

(OPRC) Lesson 34 (January 25, 2024) | Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness) 3 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

Khuddakapāṭha 9 (Minor Texts) Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness ) 3. Na ca khuddam samācare kiñci,   Let them not do the slightest thing Yena viññū pare upavadeyyuṁ; That the wise would later reprove. Sukhino v ā  khemino hontu, May they be happy and safe! Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā. May all beings be happy!

27 (Day) Notes | Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

Unwise attention leads to intolerance.  1. What is Adhiv ā san ā ? 2. How to practice  Adhiv ā san ā   in terms of clothing? 3. How to practice  Adhiv ā san ā  in terms of food? 4.  How to practice  Adhiv ā san ā  in terms of shelter? 5. How to practice  Adhiv ā san ā  in terms of medicine?   6. Where does  Adhiv ā san ā  fit in the path? 7. Why do people forget about  Adhiv ā san ā ?

(OPRC) Lesson 33 (January 18, 2024) | Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness) 2 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Khuddakapāṭha 9 (Minor Texts) Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness ) 2. Santussako ca subharo ca, Contented and easily satisfied, Appakicco ca sallahukavutti; Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways (living very lightly) Santindriyo ca nipako ca, with senses calmed, and trained/grown in what is necessary to do (alert) Appagabbho kulesu Ananugiddho. courteous and not fawning on families

11 Doors to Nibbana (Aṭṭhakanāgara Sutta, MN. 52)| Bhante Dr. G. Chandima @Centre for Research and Dhamma Leadership Enhancement - d'CRADLE, PJ, Malaysia (January 18, 2024)

  For the Text of Aṭṭhakanāgara Sutta, MN. 52 Click Here conditioned -abhisaṅkhataṃ volitionally produced- abhisañcetayitaṃ 1. First Jhāna 2. Second Jhāna 3. Third Jhāna 4. Four Jhāna 5. Metta Ceto Vimutti 6. Karuṇā Ceto Vimutti 7. Muditā Ceto Vimutti 8. Upekkhā Ceto Vimutti 9. Ākāsānañcāyatana 10. Viññāṇāyatana 11. Ākiñcaññāyatana

笑看娑婆 The Bliss of Awakening | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Ita Thum

  Dear Dhamma Friends, Stay tuned for Friday evening as we continue with our  Dhammapariyesanā  series #62.  Please join the host, Bhante Dr. Chandima, as he sits with Ita Thum for her professional stage debut with the song "笑看娑婆" (The Bliss of Awakening).  This discussion will mostly center on her debut, which she performed in November 2023 for the aforementioned song. She will also sing live. We hope you will listen to her debut song, which clarifies several facets of life from a spiritual standpoint.  Bio of Ita Thum Ita is a Malaccan, and in her early years, she took part in karaoke singing competitions, which kept her dream of singing alive. She hasn't been on stage in almost 20 years, although she has actively participated in charity concerts, hosting and performing. In addition, for the past 16 years, she has been involved in the Buddhist Association's voluntary teaching, guiding children closer to the Buddha's truth.  During her second phase of life, she a

26 (Day) Notes | Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Unwise attention leads to the unwise use of needs. 1. What is Paṭisevan ā ? 2. How to practice  Paṭisevan ā  in terms of clothing? 3. How to practice  Paṭisevan ā  in terms of food? 4.  How to practice  Paṭisevan ā  in terms of shelter? 5. How to practice  Paṭisevan ā  in terms of medicine?   6. Is  Paṭisevana  a form of paccavekkhana ? 7. Why do people forget about  Paṭisevan ā ?

(OPRC) Lesson 32 (January 11, 2024) | Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness) 1 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Khuddakapāṭha 9 (Minor Texts) Metta Sutta (Unlimited Friendliness ) 1. Karaṇīyamatthakusalena, What should be done by one who is skilled in wholesomeness, Yanta ṁ  santaṁ padaṁ abhisamecca; to gain the State of Peacefulness is this: Sakko ujū ca s ū jū ca, One should be able, upright, and straight Suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī. easy to speak to, gentle, and humble;

Register for Sunday Meditation Class Online by Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

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How to Handle Angry Thoughts and Feelings: A Buddhist Perspective | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima and Bhante Dr. S. Pemarathana

  Dear Dhamma Friends, Stay tuned for this intriguing discussion on January 11th, in the morning. Bhante Dr. Chandima has invited Bhante Dr. S. Pemarathana to sit down with him to discuss how to deal with angry thoughts and feelings from a Buddhist perspective in a more practical setting. Learn from and benefit from this enlightening discussion.  Bio of Bhante Dr. S. Pemarathana Bhante Pemaratana is a Sri Lanka Buddhist monk and now serves as the chief abbot of Pittsburgh Buddhist Center, USA. He teaches Buddhism and meditation and provides spiritual counseling to help people deal with challenging issues of life. In addition to his Dhammaduta service, he also teaches Asian religions at John Carroll University, Cleveland as an adjunct professor.

25 (Day) Notes | Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Unwise attention leads to a lack of sensory restraint. 1. What does saṁvarā mean? 2. What is saṁvarā in terms of sense faculties? 3. saṁvuta versus asaṁvuta ? 4. What are the  āsav ā s  in regard to the eye? 5. What are the  āsav ā s  in regard to the sound? 6. What are the  āsav ā s  in regard to the nose? 7. What are the  āsav ā s  in regard to the tongue? 8. What are the  āsav ā s  in regard to the body? 9. What are the  āsav ā s  in regard to the mind? 10. Does saṁvarā mean "sensory deprivation"? 11. Six senses as an empty village ( Āsīvisopama Sutta, SN 35. 238) The Buddha used the simile of an empty village to represent the six internal sense bases and the simile of a village attacking bandits to represent the six exterior sense objects in the  Āsivisopama sutta of the Samyutta Nikaya. Because pleasant and unpleasant external sense objects attack and bombard the six internal sense bases, accumulating mental defilements through greed or aversion, resulting in du

(OPRC) Lesson 31 (January 04, 2024) | Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve Fund) 15-16 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  15. Paṭisambhidā vimokkhā ca, Analytical knowledge, the liberations, yā ca sāvakapāramī; the perfections of the disciple, Paccekabodhi buddhabhūmi, the plane of an independent Buddha: sabbametena labbhati. through this they have it all. 16. Evaṁ mahatthikā esā, is so very beneficial. yadidaṁ puññasampadā; This accomplishment in merit Tasmā dhīrā pasaṁsanti, That is why the wise and the  paṇḍitā katapuññatanti. (astute) praise the making of merit.

How to Stop Being Hard On Dhamma Journey | A Talk given for BMSM by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (January 02, 2024)

*What actually is a Dhamma journey?  * Should I adhere to the rituals and doctrines of specific Buddhist schools, or should I concentrate solely on early Buddhism, the foundation of school Buddhism? *Are there any essential components that comprise my Dhamma practice, or can one develop their own approach to practicing the Dhamma? -I prefer listening to dhamma to chanting. I prefer meditating to listening to Dhamma. What should be the correct manner or blueprint for all Dhamma practitioners to follow in this regard? * What is the required level of Right Effort?? Is Right Effort an effortless effort? Too much care for the dhamma practice causes laziness.  * Which dhamma journey is the most smooth and balanced? Sona Story (AN 6.55) “ye kho keci bhagavato sāvakā āraddhavīriyā viharanti, ahaṁ tesaṁ aññataro.  Atha ca pana me na anupādāya āsavehi cittaṁ vimuccati, saṁvijjanti kho pana me kule bhogā  sakkā bhogā ca bhuñjituṁ puññāni ca kātuṁ. Yannūnāhaṁ sikkhaṁ paccakkhāya hīnāyāvattitvā bho

Pattakamma Sutta (AN 4.61): Text, Word-to-word Translation


Which is better for lay people to practice: lay people Buddhism or monastic Buddhism? | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima and Bhante H. Kondanna

(OPRC) Lesson 30 (December 28, 2023) | Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve Fund) 13-14 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

                 Khuddakapāṭha 8 (Minor Texts) Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve  Fund ) 13. Mānussikā ca sampatti, Human sucesss devaloke ca yā rati; delight in the world of the devas, Yā ca nibbānasampatti, even the attainment of Nibbana, sabbametena labbhati. through this they have it all. 14. Mittasampadamāgamma, Relying on having good friends, yonisova payuñjato; engagement to wise attention, Vijjāvimuttivasībhāvo, mastery derived from the freedom of wisdom: sabbametena labbhati. through this they have it all.

Learning isn’t enough: We also need to give back| Life Lessons from Mallika Siew Peng Chua | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima and Mallika Siew Peng Chua

(OPRC) Lesson 29 (December 21, 2023) | Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve Fund) 11-12 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Khuddakapāṭha 8 (Minor Texts) Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve  Fund ) 11. Suvaṇṇatā susaratā, Good looks, a sweet voice, susaṇṭhānā surūpatā; a good shape, and good appearance, Ādhipaccaparivāro, leadership and followers: sabbametena labbhati. through this they have it all. 12. Padesarajjaṁ issariyaṁ, Sovereignty of a local kingdom, cakkavattisukhaṁ piyaṁ; the happiness of a Wheel-Turning Monarch, Devarajjampi dibbesu, even divine kingship in the heavens: sabbametena labbhati. through this they have it all.

What is Wrong Mindfulness? | A Talk given for BMSM Kajang Branch by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (December 19, 2023)

  Click here for notes

Buddha as a Therapist | A Talk for the Novices @BMV by Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (December 19, 2023)

  1. What is psychotherapy? Psychotherapy is an approach for treating mental health issues by talking with a psychologist, psychiatrist or another mental health provider. It also is known as talk therapy, counseling, psychosocial therapy or, simply, therapy.   (Mayo Clinic) * PLT (Past Life Therapy)  2. The entire Buddha's teaching is a form of therapy. (Noble Eightfold Path) -Can we consider the Buddha to be the greatest psychologist?  -Can we consider the Buddha to be the greatest physician (therapist) of all time?  -What is the disorder/disease that the Buddha identified and taught us about? -What is the therapy for that disorder/illness? - What are the techniques for healing that can be used? - Why is it necessary to cure ourselves of that ailment or disorder? 3. Primary Suttas for Understanding the Therapeutic Nature of Buddhist Teachings - Dhammacakkpppavattna Sutta   (SN 56.11) - Saccavibhaṅga Sutta (MN 141) - Sallekha Sutta (MN 8)  (4 ways to practice therapy) Here, Sllekha

(OPRC) Lesson 28 (December 14, 2023) | Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve Fund) 9-10 | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Khuddakapāṭha 8 (Minor Texts) Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta (the Reserve  Fund ) 9. Asādhāraṇamaññesaṁ, but this goes along with him. (You don’t have to divide it with others) acorāharaṇo nidhi; no thief makes off with your savings. Kayirātha dhīro puññāni, A wise person would make merit, yo nidhi anugāmiko. the savings that stay with you. 10. Esa devamanussānaṁ, of gods and humans too. sabbakāmadado nidhi; Such savings grant every desire Yaṁ yadevābhipatthenti, Whatever it is that they wish for sabbametena labbhati. through this they have it all.

24 (Day) Notes | Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  Four factors, according to the Buddha, can facilitate the attainment of the Noble Eightfold Path: (i) establishing connections with noble friends; (ii) hearing the true Dhamma; (iii) wise attention; and (iv) practicing in accordance with the Dhamma. Wise attention is the most crucial of these four elements; it enables us to surpass the level of an ordinary person by overcoming the five obstacles and cultivating the seven factors of enlightenment. 1. What is Yoniso  Manasik ā ra ?  Tracing dukkha down to its origin. Wise attention means that when we investigate dukkha, we trace dukkha down to its cause, origin, or foundation; we do so thoroughly, orderly, wisely, properly, and judiciously. 2. Yoniso  Manasik ā ra  is a not a philosophical speculation.but reflection built on observation seeking to understand how things originate through conditions 3. Is Manasik ā ra automatic?    We need to consult the Abhidhamma for this. The analysis of mental factors ( cetasika ) solves this issue.

23 (Day) Notes | Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2) | Sutta Study @ Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields | Bhante Dr. G. Chandima

  While wise attention (yoniso manasikāra) aids on the path of freedom and escape from the circle of birth and death, its polar opposite, unwise attention (ayoniso manasikāra), keeps one bound in the cycle of birth and death. The Buddha said this very clearly in the 'Discourse on All Fermentations' (Sabbāsava sutta) of the Majjhima Nikāya (the collection of the Buddha's middle-length discourses). There are three fermentations or influxes (āsava) that exist at the deepest level of the mind that prolong dukkha and one's existence in the cycle of birth and death: The influx of sense desire (kāmāsava) The influx of desire for existence (bhavāsava) The influx of ignorance (avijjāsava) While the Sabbāsava Sutta exclusively mentions the aforementioned three influxes, other Buddhist texts, most notably the Abhidhamma (Buddha's Higher Teaching), delineate four additional influxes: The influx of sense desire (kāmāsava) The influx of desire for existence (bhavāsava) The influx

OPRC Lessons | Bhante Dr. Gangodawila Chandima (Since 2023 June)

2023 June 1 (Saraṇattaya: The Three Refuges) June 8   (Dasasikkhāpada: The Ten Precepts of a Novice Monk) June 15  (Dvattiṁsākāra: The Thirty-two Parts of the Body) June 22  (Kumārapañhā (The Boy’s Questions) June 29   (Maṅgala Sutta 1-5: Blessings) July 6  (Maṅgala Sutta 6-7: Blessings) July 13   (Maṅgala Sutta 8-9: Blessings) July 20   (Maṅgala Sutta 9-10: Blessings) July 27  (Maṅgala Sutta 10-11: Blessings) August 03  (Maṅgala Sutta 12-14: Blessings) August 10   (Ratana Sutta 1-2: Gems) August 17   (Ratana Sutta 3-4: Gems) August 24   (Ratana Sutta 5-6: Gems) August 31  (Ratana Sutta 7-8: Gems) September 7   (Ratana Sutta 9-10: Gems) September 14   (Ratana Sutta 11-12: Gems) September 21  (Ratana Sutta 13-17: Gems) September 28   (Tirokuḍḍa Sutta 1-2: Outside the Walls)  October 5   (Tirokuḍḍa Sutta 3-5: Outside the Walls)  October 12   (Tirokuḍḍa Sutta 6-7: Outside the Walls)  October 19   (Tirokuḍḍa Sutta 8-9: Outside the Walls)  October 26   (Tirokuḍḍa Sutta 10-11: Outside the W